Meeting the Moment Test
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Read MoreUSAID and two Guatemalan organizations recently signed five-year cooperative agreements in support of Feed the Future’s Rural Value Chains Project, operating in five zones throughout the country. The Guatemalan Exporters’ Association (AGEXPORT) partnered with organizations such as Save the Children, INCAP, and Rainforest Alliance for this proposal. The Guatemalan National Coffee Association (ANACAFÉ) won the second cooperative agreement.
Both agreements are designed to improve household access to food by expanding and diversifying rural income, and to contribute to improving the nutritional status of families.
Under Feed the Future, AGEXPORT and ANACAFÉ will expand the participation of poor rural households in productive value chains in horticulture and coffee, and link those chains to local, regional, and international markets. The two grants cumulatively represent over $60 million in USAID contributions, cost-sharing, and funds leveraged from the private sector, and will benefit more than 32,000 households. These cooperative agreements, both awarded to Guatemalan organizations, further USAID Forward’s implementation and procurement reform objectives.
this is the excerpt which may show up correctly on the homepage if I've done it right. 
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